Dallas / Fort Worth, TX

Billboard Advertising / Online / Digital-Out-Of-Home
How do you target people when they’re not at home? How can you send your ads to an audience that is out in the streets or in a waiting room?
Out-of-home advertising is an exceptional way to get in front of people that are commuting on the highways, in a waiting room at the DMV or medical office. Maybe they’re walking around the mall, working out at the gym, or waiting for a show at the movie theater. They might even be at the airport waiting on a flight or arriving to town.
There are billboards and digital screens everywhere! You see them every day. You notice the names on there and what they’re about. You know when an event is coming soon. This is one of the oldest forms of advertising and it is still extremely effective.
However, with so many locations and billboard advertising companies that manage all of this, how do you decide which spots are best?
If you want to have 24/7 presence at a specific location, the printed static billboards are a bold way to get noticed as being associated with that area. Can you imagine the impact of having hundreds of thousands of people driving past your ad every single day during their daily commute? This is huge for brand recognition. We can help you with that billboard marketing decision and negotiate the best deals for you.
On the flip-side of a full-time presence, what if you needed to spread your word all over Dallas – Fort Worth and your budget wasn’t enough to invest in that many static billboards? Primo Advertising can place digital ad rotators to dozens of digital billboards and screens across D/FW. We have many ways to choose which types of digital screens in the parts of the Metroplex that make the most sense for your marketing goals. With programmatic billboard and screen placement, your budget demands can be tapered down exponentially since we aren’t occupying a piece of real estate semi-permanently.
This is the best way to get your ads “out there” exposed to people who are out of home.
Call Primo Advertising for your free billboard advertising consultation.